Tuesday, March 3, 2009

how to tell if you're a sex addict

If you are masturbating while reading this, if you are only reading this while you are waiting for your triple x porno tube vid to load, if your partner is hoping you have an affair just to give them a break...

chances are....you might be David Duchovny


Mark said...

other ways to tell:
*you have a morning erection while actually in mourning

*your cat runs for cover every time you step from the shower

* You'd still do Elizabeth Taylor

*You celebrate your one year recovery chip with an orgy

* You grew up thinking Minnie Mouse was fuckin' hot

*you can recite the molecular makeup of latex

* every first date ended either getting laid, or getting a restraining order

* Endless sex, drugs, rocknroll--other people call this a downward spiral into hell--you call it Friday.

* No kidding--the word verification I have to enter for this post is "back in"

dowdy said...

If after 5 days you are coming dust and still going, chances are......

Rhonda Carling-Rodgers said...

"bastard"! (that's comic praise by the way)! I can't top that. Lololol.