Friday, November 11, 2011

Breaking the cycle.

Ever looked back on your dating/romantic partner pattern?
I keep dating the same person wearing a different mask.

Often I am attracted to what appears to be kindly, spiritual,
intelligent and charming. Take off the differnt masks and
there is bluebeard, ready to attack me for having gotten
hold of his key to his forbidden cupboard (full of the bones
of ex lovers.)


And I have a new personal red flag. Whatever they say they
are, (often emphatically) it's usually proven they turn out
to be the very opposite. If they tell you they are 'honest' - they
generally turn out to be the worst liars possible. If they
pride themselves on being able to "understand women" - watch
for the misogyny to peek out.  If they tell you they value fidelity
more than any other quality, you can be sure you are about
to deal with a sex addict. Self confessed rich men borrow money
off you, and "romantics" will do no more than a quick run
at a burger joint drive through for dinner.

It always turns out to be the opposite of what they promote themselves
to be. I should do the same.

I've decided to tell 'em I am a proper bitch....

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