Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thy will be done

Thy will be done.
Because I stumble clumsily through love
and relationship
I bumble like an old man walking through
a field of rabbit traps...

Thy will be done
because my words fall- often insignificant-
not giving shape
to the truth I want to impart, but dilute
through unhealed fears.

Thy will be done
because the oversoul holds the power
I cannot fully embody
in this time and space, this earthly place
where I live and love.

Thy will be done
because I am your reflection,
a clearing channel for your subtle grace
a candle lit only by your flame
to shine where you would have your light seen.

Thy will be done
because when my will was done
all was ego ridden force
a wild woman on a horse with no reins
trampling truth and creating pain.

Thy will be done
because when I am out of my own way,
I feel that love, that which reason
cannot fathom bring its magic
bring gifts from a greater mystery.

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